Lunch Meeting Notes - Overland Sertoma Club

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Lunch Meeting Notes

A few notes: 3-8-23
  • We had a RECORD     turnout today, at least for the past 3 years--total     attendance of 30!  25 Members, 4 Guests, and our Speaker dined on     shrimp scampi, rice, salad, biscuits, and soft drinks.
  • One of our guests was Wayne     Reimer, a former Sertoman who moved to Texas ~8 years     ago.  Wayne is now back in Fort Collins and is considering rejoining     Sertoma.
  • Remember that our meeting on Wednesday,     April 5th will NOT be at Red Lobster, but rather at Avogadro's Number     restaurant and will be a Celebration of Life luncheon for     Harry Santner.  Avo's is on Mason Street about a block north of     Laurel on the west side of the street.  
  • Nate announced that the Timnath     Fall Festival will be on September 23rd and 24th.     They want us to sell beer again and also to drive courtesy golf carts for     them.  Mark your calendars!
  • Sam announced that his program     on April 19th will be held at Lightning eMotors in Loveland, so we     will meet there for lunch.  They are located in     southwest Loveland at the former HP site.  Lightning builds electric     trucks and vans.
  • Our Speaker today was Jason     Licon, who is the Airport Director of the Northern Colorado     Regional Airport (formerly the Loveland/Fort Collins     airport).  The Airport has been in the news lately because of its     plan to demolish a bunch of old, ready-to-collapse hangers which will     displace dozens of airplanes whose owners have no nearby place to store     them indoors.   The Airport has been using a "virtual control     tower" for the past 8 years and has plans to build a real control     tower and replace the current "mobile storage building" terminal     with a real terminal.  Landline Bus Service to DIA is now available     for a very reasonable price, especially when you consider the free     parking, no tolls, not having to drive to/from DIA, checking United bags     in Loveland, etc.  You can also use it to connect to     other airlines at DIA.  9 roundtrips per day.  We used Landline     FNL--SEA in January going to and from Seattle through DIA and were very     happy with them.  No TSA yet, but it's coming.  If you like     flying for free, United Airlines currently offers a 50,000     mile signup bonus with their Explorer Card.
  • If you have changes to your     address, phone, etc. for our Roster, please email them to me.
Doug Anderson
Overland Sertoma Club Secretary
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